Saturday, January 17, 2009



Based on the foregoing arguments, we should place very high priority on research in the following areas:

1) We should develop a new axiomatic set theory based on the direct representation of existence, instead of the indirect representation of information. This will complement existing set theories, existing mathematical logic, and existing mathematics and create a complete and consistent mathematics for the direct representation of existence and Physics. It will allow us to understand the nature of existence with combinatorially less complexity than we can by using an indirect, incomplete representation to represent the direct, complete representation of existence. It should accelerate the development of theoretical physics exponentially.

2) We should develop a new axiomatic set theory based on the universal representation of thought. That is, we need to develop an axiomatic set theory that is both direct and indirect. The resulting logic is geometrically, combinatorially less complex then the indirect representation of current set theories and it is complete and consistent. It is the representation of thought. This leads directly to the development of an extension of information theory that provides the basis for the development of sentient computers that will be able to amplify human intelligence in a manner analogous to the way our machines amplify our muscles. In turn, an understanding of the representation of thought will allow us to improve the methods we use to educate our children. It will also improve our ability to treat brain injuries and mental illness. Most importantly, it will substantially increase human intelligence by teaching us how to think directly in terms of our brain’s native knowledge representation, instead of trying to think indirectly in terms of information.

3) We should develop sentient computers and true machine intelligence. This should be done in two steps. First, we should develop sentient computer software simulations. The author of this paper has already developed the mathematical equations required for this advance. This will teach us a lot about how we think. It will also allow us to create sentient computers that can solve problems that are currently beyond the capacity of human intellect. The results of software simulations can also be used as the basis for the development of sentient computer neuromorphic processors.

4) We can embed sentient software, and/or neuromorphic processors in machines and robots to create autonomous machine intelligence.

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